The Spark Portal

is an online oasis that:
  • Supports your Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Health.
  • Keeps you refueled and recharged so you can create a life congruent with your purpose to fulfill your goals and dreams!
  • Holds you accountable to your self-care practice with ease and joy.
  • Gives you a daily dose of inspiration to calibrate your body, heart, mind, spirit, and soul and empowers you to be the Sovereign creator of your life.
  • Keeps you in the flow of your Inner C.E.O. by supporting you to be the Conscious, Empowered Owner of your life and business.
  • Helps you access your superpower of peace so you can make good choices and show up authentically in all areas of your life!
Spark your day and ignite your Energy when you need it most with easy, sustainable Body & Soul Care!

Do you find it hard to prioritize time for YOU?

Do you push to keep up with the demands of your life, your family, your clients, your business, and everyone else around you?

Are you ending your day feeling exhausted, with no energy or time left for yourself, and what matters most to you?

I know it can feel impossible to make time to meditate or do any self-care when life and work use up all your energy. YOU can feel like you just don't have the bandwidth.

That's why I created the Spark Portal to make it easy and joy-full for us to be consistent with our self and soul care to recharge our energy even on the busiest days.

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The Spark Portal supports you in navigating your life journey with energy, balance, and empowerment.
Our resources support you physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and energetically, helping you feel grounded and invigorated every step of the way.

Discover the joy of embracing your true self and living your fullest potential.

Effortless Calm

"Under Louise's expert guidance, and soothing voice all that was required to find and experience my inner calm was to sit back and listen."


"As a Type A person, my tendency is to want to do everything perfectly! Louise's instructions are simple and clear so I was able to focus on the feeling rather than if I was "doing it right." Louise helped me move beyond that and allowed me to see I truly am capable of quieting my over-active mind and receiving the benefits of a peaceful heart.

- Mair H.

I feel so supported

"I really feel like Louise is right there in the room with me. Her warmth and light come right through her voice. I feel so supported. It's an amazing feeling. I know that she genuinely cares about me and my well-being. She has such a compassionate and spiritual presence. I feel so lucky to have found her. She has truly been a godsend."
- Pat V

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Valuable Resource for your life-journey

"Louise has brought so much clarity to my life in so many ways. It has helped me tremendously to have her guidance on this journey! The meditations and Spark classes have transformed my personal practice; I can't imagine being without them! I encourage everyone to consider her a valuable resource."

TOTAL PACKAGE: Physical, Emotional & Spiritual

"Louise's Sound Healing class is a 'total package'."
There's an incredible amount of information, knowledge, wisdom, and love wrapped up in this experience.
Thank you for this deep physical, emotional & spiritual experience."

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Ignite Your Body's Self-Healing Superpowers with Spark Light ~ Contact us more inforamtion.

Valuable Resource for the journey

"Louise has brought so much clarity to my life in so many ways. It has helped me tremendously to have her guidance on this journey! The meditations and Spark classes have transformed my personal practice; I can't imagine being without them! I encourage everyone to consider her a valuable resource."

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TOTAL PACKAGE: Physical, Emotional & Spiritual

"Louise's Sound Healing class is a 'total package'."
There's an incredible amount of information, knowledge, wisdom, and love wrapped up in this experience.
Thank you for this deep physical, emotional & spiritual experience."

Ignite Your Body's Self-Healing Superpowers ~ START TODAY!

I used to say, "I'll catch up later." But unfortunately, that kept me stuck in an exhausting pattern. I would push through and burn out and then take time off to recover and lose momentum in my business. 

Let's face it, when good things are happening or when things are tough, it's not easy to find the time for self-care and to pause to recharge our battery. When tend to push through until we run out of energy and our body and our life get out off track and totally out of balance.

Get Support on-demand to recharge your Life-Force battery, and reset to calm to access more clarity and energy.  

Feel your Joy & Ease of Being!

Designed to meet you within your reality, the Spark portal invites you into an experience of unconditional self-love for profound, enjoyable, self-healing practices for your mind, body, and soul. Mix and Match the sessions to create your habit of self-care that supports your body and soul in a fun and sustainable way. 

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 Inspired Sound Healing Meditations 

Reset your mind to calm down ~ Rejuvenate your nervous system to embody the Light of your Spirit.

The Monthly Inspired Channeled Sound Healing Meditation is specifically designed to activate your intentions and support you with the current energetic opportunity. 

Feel the healing vibrations of Gemstone bowls, Crystal & Tibetan bowls, and the Symphonic Gong. These sounds impact the immune, endocrine & neuropeptide systems & balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

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Full Moon Healing Meditations Circle

Live via zoon. The Full Moon meditation is specifically designed to deepen your connection to your intuition and enhance the healing opportunity for each month.  

We gather on the Full Moon in a virtual live healing circle to go deeper, heal, and release what no longer serves our highest good. 

Louise uses gemstone and Tibetan singing bowls, she also does an energy clearing and healing.

This sacred time is designed to cultivate your Peaceful Mind, fill your heart with Unconditional Love, and feed your Soul with Divine Light. Enhanced edited replay is available to go deeper with the healing experience.

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Daily Practice Meditation

Go deeper into the current healing opportunity with 15 or 20- minute options, including Breathwork, Healing Sound &guided Meditation practice, including Mantra, & Mudra from the Sound Healing class for you to use as a daily practice or anytime you need it. 

Sound Healing Savasana

Enjoy a guided relaxation and visualization with the deep healing benefits of gemstone bowls and Symphonique Gong to go deeper into the healing opportunity of each month.

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Self-Kindness BE Break

These beautiful videos are a great way to pause, reset and destress in 3 to 5 minutes when you need it most. Each one offers you a chance to practice an act of kindness for yourself to deepen your experience of self-love even on your busiest days.

"Louise’s classes pack in an exhilarating combination of yoga, dance, breath work, voice and movement meditation, as well as sound healing...

Having been a teacher and a Professor for over forty years, as well as a master mentor to young PhDs for the National Institute of Health, I immediately recognized Louise as a truly gifted and masterful teacher."         Leslee Parr, PhD

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"I don't know how I would have made it through this challenging time without my Spark Membership. I feel so grateful to have access JoyFull Yoga & Sound Healing Classes anytime I want."

"Also I love having the support to understand the cosmic opportunities and using the new and full moon energy. It's super helpful. My life is gentler and happier with Spark.

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"I am so grateful to have my Spark daily meditation practice. I use to feel bad about not meditating every day. Now, I look forward to it every morning. What a difference it makes in my day. "

"Each month, I look forward to the new Healing opportunity video and the Sound Healing class is so beautiful and it's always spot on with what I need."

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"I love being able to click on my morning meditation and use the shorter segments in between. I look forward to my ME time in the Spark portal. I particularly love doing the JoyFull Chi Balancing at the end of my day and the 20-minute sound healing relaxation before bed.  I find that I sleep better when I do it."


You are just a click away from support to rejuvenate and reset your whole self, embody the Light of your Spirit & boost your energy with The Spark Portal!

Bring your reality in harmony with your Joy of Being.

Spark your day with joy and
reset to calm on demand. 

Get Started Today

Showing up for yourself is one of the most potent actions you can take to experience self-love and ignite your body's ability to restore and feel happier. 

Total Support for Your Daily Alignment Practice

Self~Healing Care for your Body, Heart & Soul

Membership includes Access to the Spark LIGHT Portal for Daily Support for your Life Force Battery:

  • A monthly Sound Healing Meditation class aligned with the current cosmic healing opportunities.
  • Live Virtual Full Moon Meditation Circle with replay.
  • Unlimited monthly access to class replays
  • Daily Meditation Practices  (15 min & 20 min options.)
  • Sound Healing & Guide Relaxation & Imagery (18 to 20-minutes)
  • Exclusive Spark BE Break segments to reset to calm anytime you need it. (3 to 5 min)
  • Email Support
  • Members-only Special Offers on Programs and Private Sessions
I want Support for my Body & Soul Self-Care
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