The Gifts of Fall - Equinox Meditation

Sep 21, 2022

The Equinox is a day of renewal and recalibration. The light of day and night are equal and balanced. It brings powerful cosmic energy that beckons us to restore balance within ourselves. It is a time for us to harmonize our polarities - doing and being; yin/yang; male/female. 

The Equinox is a powerful portal to heal ourselves as we enter a new season. 

Change is all around us in nature. If only humans could surrender to change as easily as the trees release their leaves. 

Change can trigger fear of the unknown, making the transition more challenging.

When we courageously walk through the doorway of change, we can experience the gifts of transformation and healing.

I created an easy solution for you to engage with the healing opportunity of this Equinox. 

Meditation to Restore trust and unconditional love in your heart.

I've created a special 11-minute Equinox-inspired guided sound healing meditation.

It includes an excerpt from a new mantra meditation I have just recorded for the current energetic opportunities to support us to:

  • Clear fear of the unknown.
  • Feel grounded
  • Restore unconditional trust with yourself and the Universe
  • Embody your part as the Sovereign co-creator of your life.
  • Heal and strengthen your partnership with the Divine.

Let's be the change we want to see! (See the video above)

By creating harmony in our body, heart, mind, and spirit, we can experience more peace in our life and our world.

 World peace begins with inner peace. 

Thank you for making the time!