Making the space for the Energy of the New Year
Dec 31, 2021As we move into a new year, we can get excited about turning the page on the old year and moving into some new intentions and aspirations for the year ahead. But it is crucial that we first consider things in our lives that we want to let go of to make room for the new. This can be old grudges, negative thoughts, and habits, or anything that is no longer serving us so we can start the new year with a fresh slate.
Here are three things you can do to clear the old energy and make way for the new you in 2022!
1) Get rid of clutter in your home. Clutter is a physical representation of spiritual stagnation. It's holding on to what no longer serves you and keeping you from moving forward. Clearing out the clutter will help create space for new energy to come in.
2) Clear and heal negative thoughts and emotions like old anger, resentment, etc... These heavy emotions are all barriers to creating change. Making the time to heal and clear will open up the space for you to forgive yourself and others and set yourself free. It is your job to get the support you need so if you need help, reach out! Then it will be easier for you to set intentions (not expectations) for what you do want to create, manifest, and experience in 2022.
3) Get rid of your "shoulds." Shoulds feed your inner bully. You might get results, but it won't be sustainable and will likely end as another failed attempt, especially regarding self-care. Instead, choose to take actions that are supportive and that will help you move towards what you do want."
Are you ready to drop the baggage from the past, and make room for all the good things that you want to manifest in the future?
I've created a special New Year's Eve meditation for my Spark portal members. I am sharing it with you today to support the start of your self-healing process of releasing what no longer serves you at this time on your journey so that you can make room for the new energy aligned with your soul and why you are here!
This is an excellent practice for the last two days of the full moon - New Year's Eve and New Year's Day - January 2nd is the New Moon, and that is the best day in 2022 to set your intentions. (I'm preparing a special Sound Healing Meditation for that too.)
Gift yourself 12 minutes NOW.
May the New Year bless you in all areas of your life.
May we all meet ourselves and each other with more kindness and compassion.
World peace begins with inner peace, and self-kindness is a doorway to our inner peace. Thank you for making time today.
The theme for this New year is to reset our way of navigating to incorporate the support for our inner Life Force Battery. Our energy impacts everything that we do and the quality of life overall.
I'm inviting you also to explore my 21 Day Self-Kindness Experience starting this week.
If you have a long list of shoulds, or Self-care has ever been a struggle for you to stay committed to, this is the year to write a new success story.
Click here to learn more about the 21-Day Self-Kindness Experience!